Small Business Owners

Can Small Businesses Get Grants?

If you're a small business owner, you might have wondered, "Can businesses get grants?" The answer is heck yes! And not only can you get a grant to support your small business - you should! Small business grants provide funding opportunities to help grow your business without the burden of debt or equity dilution.
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Brit Karel
September 7, 2024
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However, the small business grant landscape can be confusing. So, understanding the types of grants available, how to use them, and overcoming their various challenges can make all the difference in securing one.

What are small business grants?

Think of grants as free money - basically, they are funds that you don’t have to pay back, unlike loans or other types of financing. These funds can provide small businesses with a unique opportunity to grow, innovate, and scale without taking on debt. The downside of grants is that it can often be challenging to find the right grant for your business and then, time consuming to then apply for it. However, the potential rewards are well worth the effort.

How can small businesses use grants?

Once you’ve secured a grant, the possibilities are practically endless! Here are a few ideas for how your business could use grant funding:

  • Expand Your Operations: Whether it’s moving into a larger space, opening new locations, or increasing production, grants can help fund your expansion plans.
  • Purchase Equipment: Many grants are available to help small businesses buy equipment that is vital for their operations.
  • Research and Development: Innovation is key to staying competitive, and some grants are designed specifically to help small businesses invest in R&D for new products or services.
  • Marketing and Branding: Grants can support efforts to boost visibility through advertising, digital marketing, or even rebranding initiatives.
  • Hiring and Training: Funds can be used to hire new employees or provide advanced training to your current team.

Types of grants available for small businesses

There are several types of grants that small businesses can apply for, depending on the industry, location, and specific needs:

  1. Federal Grants: Government agencies like the Small Business Administration (SBA) offer a variety of grants for small businesses, often geared toward research, technology, and innovation.
  2. State and Local Grants: Many states and municipalities offer grants to support local economic growth. These grants are often designed for businesses that promote job creation or community development.
  3. Industry-Specific Grants: Certain industries, such as healthcare, technology, or manufacturing, may have specific grants available to help businesses in those sectors grow or innovate.
  4. Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Grants: There are grants specifically for businesses owned by minorities, women, or other underrepresented groups.
  5. Non-Profit and Foundation Grants: Many non-profit organizations and private foundations provide grants to small businesses, especially those that have a positive social or environmental impact.
  6. And more!

Benefits of grants for small businesses

Grants offer several key benefits, including:

  • No Repayment: Unlike loans, grants don’t need to be repaid, freeing up cash flow for other needs.
  • No Equity Loss: Unlike venture capital, you don’t have to give up ownership or control of your business in exchange for funding.
  • Supports Growth and Innovation: Grants can provide the necessary capital to expand operations, explore new markets, or develop new products and services.
  • Boosts Credibility: Securing a grant can enhance your business's reputation, showing that your company is worthy of investment and financial backing.

Challenges of grants for small businesses

While grants offer fantastic opportunities, they don’t come without challenges:

  • Highly Competitive: Many businesses apply for grants, and funding is often limited, making it competitive to secure one.
  • Complex Application Process: Grant applications can be time-consuming and require extensive documentation, including financial records, business plans, and sometimes, future projections.
  • Strict Requirements: Some grants come with specific restrictions on how the money can be used, and failure to comply could result in the need to repay the funds.
  • Time Delays: The process of applying for, winning, and receiving grant funding can be long, which might not align with immediate needs.

How to find small business grants

Finding the right grant can seem like a daunting task, especially with so many options and opportunities out there. That’s where’s Grant Matching Tool comes into play. We designed this tool to help small businesses navigate the complex world of grants and find the ones that match their specific needs.

Using AI technology, our tool scans thousands of grants available across various industries and regions. It takes your business’s unique profile into account, including its location, industry, and growth goals, to provide personalized grant matches. The best part? It’s simple to use, so you can focus more on running your business and less on the tedious search process.

Sign up for our waitlist today to be among the first to experience this revolutionary tool, and start discovering the funding opportunities that could help take your business to the next level.


Can small businesses get grants? Yes! Small businesses can get grants, and they should actively seek them out. Grants provide an excellent way to fund your growth without the financial strain of loans or giving up ownership. While the process can be challenging, with the right approach - and the right tools - small businesses can unlock funding that could be pivotal to their success.

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